The "Lincoln Weather and Climate"
Web site began as a sub-section of the much larger "Nebraska
Weather and Climate" web site back in 1997. It has
been rebuilt and is now its own domain and web site as of
January 2008.
purpose of this web site is to disseminate weather &
climate information in a quick and efficient manner
for the purpose of expanding the public's knowledge
about the weather and climate of the city of
Lincoln, Nebraska, and the surrounding region.
The web site content is
created and managed by Dr. Ken Dewey, Applied
Climate Sciences at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln and presented here as an Outreach
and Extension effort of UNL.
It is
also our hope that this web site will be utilized by
the media when they are seeking timely information
about our highly variable weather and climate.
When storms, unusual weather or climate events
impact our city and the surroundings, look for our
reports with photos at this web site. The
media should feel free to use the images shown in
the storm news reports, however please note the
source as Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Sciences, UNL
and if possible the name of the web site.

Hardin Hall, East Campus, UNL
and home to the Applied Climate Sciences Program at
UNL and this web site.
An underlying theme of this site is "Education".
It is our belief that the residents of Nebraska
would like to learn more about the fascinating
weather and climate of our region. To that
end, this web site includes current weather and
climate data, and various climatologies summarizing
the climate of our region.
Since this Internet site has been created in order
to bring interesting weather and climate information
to you the user, we would be pleased to hear from
you and to find out what other type of weather or
climate information you would like to see made
available at this site.
web site will continue to undergo some construction
over the next few months. That is, it has not
been fully designed yet. It is being made
available at this time since the vast majority of
the re-design has been accomplished. We hope
you find this site useful and return often.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
School of Natural Resources
at UNL
Applied Climate Sciences at UNL
Undergraduate Program in Applied Climate Sciences
Central Plains Severe Weather
Symposium |
This site is maintained by Dr. Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Sciences,
School of Natural Resources, UNL.
Copyright © 2008 Lincolnweather.org,and Lincolnclimate.org. All Rights Reserved.